Wednesday 25 May 2011

The last couple of weeks.

Despite been ill for the last couple of weeks- me with the flu and Ian with the 'man flu' - we have been quite busy in and out with the dogs, up and down the country to several working tests. We went over to Preston to a novice working test where I worked Jet - and what a total disaster it was. She decided it was a good idea to play stupid and refused to jump over a small fence into a rabbit pen - no amount of commands or encouragement would persuade her to jump over this small obsticle and retrieve the dummy from within the pen. Thats it - me out for the rest of the day. I would n't mind but she jumps these fences as a matter of routine every day as a bit of fun - and has been doing so for the last couple of years - so god knows what got into her head and why she wouldn't jump. Silly b---er.
Our next test was in South Cave with the Three Ridings Club - must say a very nice and friendly club - Ian running Jet in another novice. Well, well, well, what can I say about this one. Jet worked like a little diamond all day, not putting a foot wrong and gaining full marks on every test. Then disaster struck. On the last test of the day which was a double retrieve - a seen over a hedge in front and a blind behind - Ian messed up (putting it nicely). He was too busy watching the blind and totally mismarked the seen. He sent Jet over to the seen dummy which was to be picked first and started working her on the wrong side of the hedge. She attempted to go to the hedge on several occasions as she must have got wind of the dummy on the other side. Every time she did - Ian stopped her and brought her away from the hedge and worked her in front. Bhhhaaaa - thats no good - and as a result got her eliminated. Well done Ian - you should have gone to Spec Savers. So instead of coming home with an award - he got her totally disqualified. Lets just say - the air was rather blue. Mmmmmm.

Our next test was at Carton Towers - and again a novice with Jet. What a day that was too. Again Jet worked well, until a Judge sent Ian/ Jet to the wrong area to pick a blind - that wasn't there?  Obviously Jet didn't do well on this one as it took her some time to be re- directed onto the dummy which was actually in a totally different area. Never mind though - we thoroughly enjoyed the day and enjoyed everyones company.

We are looking forward to our next test in a couple of weeks at Southport. Lets see how that day turns out? Hopefully we'll be feeling alot better by then as well.