Saturday, 2 July 2011

Training Hazel.

Kendeci Midnight Gem of Peniglen (Hazel)

To View Hazels Pedigree Click Here

 Have been out training with young Hazel today (Sire- FTCH Drakeshead Indiana, Dam - Eva Desire who is out of FTCH Willowyck Ruff and FTW Zelous Zeta.)
I have done some very basic stuff with her, heel work on and off the lead, stop and recall whistle, sit and stay, and retrieves which she sits in front of me and proudly delivers.
Hazel is one of those dogs (bitches)that when given free time to go and exercise and play - she doesn't want to, she'd rather be walking by your side looking up at you - basically saying - 'come on lets get down to some work'. She has got a very mature 'thinking' mind, and for her young age is rock steady. She has never been one of those giddy pups - even when we brought her home at 8 weeks she calmly settled in without any fuss, never barked , never cried - she really is one 'cool' bitch.
Over the last month or so I have introduced her into our training groups, and onto fresh ground, where theres been new people with their dogs and where there's been more noise, different scents and different scenarios going off. Everyone has commented how calm and focused she is - she really has done me proud.
I am hoping that because of her qualities, she will enjoy going to a couple of working tests, and I am hoping to introduce her to the shoot this year, just to walk her round and generally get the atmosphere of the day.
I have high hopes for our Hazel.