We had a good training session on Wednesday evening with the beginners group. All dogs are coming on really well and everyone seems
to be enjoying it.
This photo shows Craig with his young bitch Amber, and we are doing straight lining retrieves using the wall as guidance -
and coming back in with the dummy and delivering to hand.
Young Archie watching everything and taking everything in -
whilst remaining steady and off the lead.
Archie doing straight lining and holding the dummy -
and then delivering to hand.
A beautiful chocolate bitch called Leyla who is also owned by Craig,
and who is the calmest,most intelligentist chocolate lab I have ever
come across. A real pleasure to train with and to watch.
This young happy chappie is Ben - a beautiful young dog.
Aaargh - caught you! Ian taking a rest - and thats before we had even started.
We'd only walked from the car to the field and yes you've guessed it -
he was totally exhausted.
No seriously - only joking there.
He was relaxing with the dogs waiting for everyone to arrive.